Children's Hospital Colorado

Quality and Patient Safety at Children's Hospital Colorado

We're committed to excellence in caring for kids. Here is an overview of quality and patient safety for our hospital and clinics across all of our locations.

A Children's Colorado caregiver holding a newborn baby girl

What do we measure?

We measure a wide range of cases, such as preventable infections, to make Children's Hospital Colorado safer for our patients and families.

What public health information is available?

In addition to our own data, several organizations track quality and safety measures. We've provided a list of resources for patients, families and the community.

How was your experience?

We want our patients and families to have an excellent experience here. Take a look at recent patient experience ratings and see what families thought about their experience.

How do our departments compare?

See outcomes and data from across the hospital, including our:

Publicly reported health outcomes

Children's Colorado is committed to excellence in caring for kids. Here is an overview of quality and patient safety information and data for our hospitals and clinics across all of our locations throughout the region. We provide this list as a resource for patients, families and the healthcare community.

Hospital-acquired infections

The Hospital-Acquired Infections report from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment evaluates the status of health facility acquired infections across Colorado. The report explains the Hospital-Acquired Infections Disclosure Act and has data about infection measurement and reporting for hospitals in the state, including Children's Colorado.

Online quality report

Published by the Joint Commission, the Online Quality Report is a directory of accredited organizations and performance reports. You'll see that Children's Colorado is accredited by the Joint Commission and has received the Gold Seal of Approval.

Last year at a glance

We're always assessing what we've done and what we can do better.

Hand hygiene

Sanitizing our hands is one of the best ways to prevent infection, slow the spread of illness and keep our patients, families and team members safe. We’re always working to improve our hand hygiene practices and strive for complete hand hygiene compliance.

92% Hand hygiene compliance at Children's Colorado in 2024

Outpatient visits

In addition to our location on Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, Children's Colorado offers a wide range of outpatient specialty clinics and emergency care locations throughout the region. From sports medicine and audiology to neurology and cardiology — even after-hours, urgent and emergency care — Children's Colorado brings specialized pediatric care closer to home. In 2024, we had 894,181 outpatient visits across all our locations.

Inpatient admissions

Our healing goes well beyond medicine. We do whatever it takes to make kids physically and emotionally comfortable, so they can heal faster and get home sooner. In 2024, we had 19,448 inpatient admissions among 632 licensed inpatient beds across all our locations.​