Children's Hospital Colorado
Sports Medicine Center

Tendon Injury in Children

Kids aren’t just mini adults. In fact, they’re incredibly different. That’s why they need incredibly different care.

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What is a tendon?

A tendon is a band-like tissue that connects muscles to bone. When the muscles tighten, the tendons pull the bones and cause the joints to move, such as in the hand or fingers.

  • For example:
    • Extensor tendons are in the top of the hand and straighten the fingers.
    • Flexor tendons are in the on the palm side of the hand and bend the fingers.
  • A tendon sheath is a little tunnel the tendon slides through. This tunnel keeps the tendon in place next to the bone

What causes a tendon injury in children?

A tendon injury usually occurs when a tendon is damaged, such as being cut or ruptured (torn).

  • The area may not move normally or might feel weak.
  • The area may be painful or tender.
  • There might be numbness or tingling if a nerve was also damaged.

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Get to know our pediatric experts.

Sarah Sibbel, MD

Sarah Sibbel, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery, Hand Surgery

Frank Scott, MD

Frank Scott, MD

Hand Surgery

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Cailin Delaney, PA-C

Cailin Delaney, PA-C

Physician Assistant