Children's Hospital Colorado

Childhood Leukemia Diagnosis

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Understanding leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer of the bone marrow, the substance inside of bones that makes blood cells. It’s the result of the uncontrolled growth of abnormal white blood cells. These cells fill up the bone marrow space and can spread to other parts of the body like the liver and spleen. Leukemia is treatable with a cure rate of about 90%.

Learn more about leukemia in children

Our families discuss their child’s leukemia diagnosis

Hearing your child has cancer can feel like “you’ve been hit by a truck,” says Taisley’s dad, Thane. Our families share how they trusted their instincts when they felt something was off with their child’s health, and how they coped when they learned it was cancer.

Childhood leukemia diagnosis resources

As a parent, you're determined to find the best possible care for your child. Here are the most important things to look for when choosing a cancer treatment center.

A multidisciplinary approach to childhood leukemia

Pediatric cancer affects more than a child’s body; it impacts a child’s family, mental wellbeing, schooling, social interactions and more. That’s why our team of pediatric experts is focused on treating the whole child throughout every step of cancer diagnosis, treatment and life afterward.

Our internationally renowned experts have helped pave the way to today’s most cutting-edge leukemia treatments and continue to advance cancer treatment through leading and participating in clinical trials. Clinical trials are the standard of care for pediatric oncology and have led to the great remission and cure rates that we see today.

Childhood leukemia FAQs

Parents have many questions when they learn that their child is diagnosed with leukemia – from what treatment will be like to how to talk to their child about it. Learn more about parent’s most frequently asked questions.

Get answers to common FAQs

Dr. Lia Gore
"We’re going to be there for you, we’re not going to give up, we’re going to be honest with you and we’re never going to tire of trying to find a better answer."
Lia Gore, MD, Chief of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology, and Blood and Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapeutics

Additional childhood leukemia resources

Partnership with the University of Colorado School of Medicine

Children's Hospital Colorado partners with the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where many of our physicians and care providers serve as faculty.