Children's Hospital Colorado
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Tonsillectomy Surgery

Lora talks about her experience with Children's Hospital Colorado when her two daughters had tonsillectomies.

Reassurance before your child’s surgery

Our pediatric experts can tell families a lot about their child's diagnosis and recommended treatment. One thing they can't often tell them: how it will feel.

That's why we connected a family new to the tonsillectomy surgery experience with another family who's been there. Our experienced family answers questions, shares their experience and gives advice on how to get through recovery. Watch their conversations on the following pages.

Meet the families

Our new family

Meghan and Dennis, Evelyn's parents, worry most about anesthesia – they'd like reassurance that their daughter will be in good hands.

Our experienced family

Tonsillectomy might seem like a minor outpatient surgery, but to a parent, it's anything but minor. Lora and Erich share the ups and downs of their daughters' surgery and recovery.

The tonsillectomy surgery journey

Preparing for surgery

The idea of having your child go through surgery can feel intimidating when you don't know what to expect. Our experienced family shares their initial concerns about surgery and how our team eased their worries through specialized pediatric care and education.

Preparing for surgery

Surgery and recovery

Lora and Erich talk about some of the special experiences they had at Children's Colorado on the day of their daughter's surgery. They also share valuable tips on how they helped their kids get through recovery afterward.

Surgery and recovery

Lora sits on a couch talking to another mom about how Children's Hospital Colorado allowed her to be involved in the tonsillectomy process for her daughters.
"I wanted the whole Children's experience and I loved it. Even when we left the hospital, I looked at my husband and said, 'This is why we chose Children's.'"
Lora, Addie and Elise's mom

Additional family resources

Partnership with the University of Colorado School of Medicine

Children's Hospital Colorado partners with the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where many of our physicians and care providers serve as faculty.