Children's Hospital Colorado

Our experts treat respiratory and sleep disorders from the common to the complex, helping children and families breathe easier.

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The pediatric asthma experts at Children’s Hospital Colorado may recommend using a nebulizer to control your child’s asthma symptoms.

Does my child need a nebulizer?

Children with asthma need ongoing treatment to control their symptoms and prevent other medical problems from developing. Effectively managing asthma helps your child avoid visiting the emergency department or urgent care, stay in school and just enjoy being a kid.

Every case of asthma is unique. Our pediatric asthma experts meet with you to assess your child’s unique triggers and symptoms, make a diagnosis and discuss treatments. A nebulizer is one of several treatment options that we may suggest.

How does a nebulizer work?

A nebulizer sends a fine mist of medication into your child’s lungs to relieve asthma symptoms like wheezing and coughing. The device uses a compressor machine connected to a mask or mouthpiece.

You can use different medicines in the nebulizer. Our asthma specialists will recommend the most appropriate one for your child’s symptoms.

How to use a nebulizer

It’s important for you and your child to learn how to use the nebulizer correctly. The device is simple to use, but it takes a bit of practice. The asthma specialists at Children’s Colorado will show you and your child how to use it.

About the Asthma Program at Children’s Colorado

Your family doesn’t have to navigate asthma alone. Turn to the Asthma Program at Children’s Colorado for asthma diagnosis, education and treatment, all tailored to your child’s needs.

Our pediatric asthma experts are part of Children’s Colorado’s Breathing Institute, the nation’s largest program focusing on children’s lung health. The asthma program at Children’s Colorado is accredited by the American Association for Respiratory Care’s Asthma Self-Management Education Program.

Contact the Asthma Program at Children’s Colorado

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call 720-777-6181 or schedule an appointment online.

Get to know our pediatric experts.

Paul Houin, MD

Paul Houin, MD

Pulmonology - Pediatric, Pediatrics

Paul Stillwell, MD

Paul Stillwell, MD

Pulmonology - Pediatric, Pediatrics

Robin Deterding, MD

Robin Deterding, MD

Pulmonology - Pediatric