Children's Hospital Colorado

Grief in Children: How to Help

Losing a child is a terrible tragedy. We offer bereavement services and resources for families coping with death.

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After the loss of a child, you may have other children in your life who are grieving. This could be the sibling of the child you've lost or friends from school or the neighborhood. Taking the time to address their grief can help them — and you — heal.

It's also important for adult friends and family members to address grief in their own children, because losing someone as a child can be sad and confusing.

How to talk to your child about death

When talking to children about death, remember:

  • Some children understand the finality of death better than others. Tailor your language to the child's level.
  • Use a warm and gentle tone. Establish eye contact and get on the child's level when talking to them.
  • Take time to listen and ask about their concerns.
  • Encourage them to ask questions. Children may not have an immediate or obvious response to learning that a loved one has died. They may take time to process and repeat the same question over and over again. This repetition is normal and helps them to begin understanding what death means.
  • Children tend to think in simple terms. Use direct language like "died" and "dead." Avoid using phrases such as "went to sleep and never woke up" or "we lost her."
  • Allow your child to participate in the funeral/memorial if they want, but do not force them.
  • Prepare your child by discussing what the funeral might be like. Talk about who will be there, where the body will be during the ceremony or viewing and what kinds of emotional reactions people may have.
  • Be honest. Express your own feelings about death. It is okay to cry in front of children; this shows them how they can express their grief.
  • Grief is a process that takes time. Be patient and available as they process what the death means to them.

There are people in the community who can help. If you are worried about a child in your life, contact our bereavement coordinator at 720-777-6978 or a local mental health professional.

A mother holding her child's hands.

Helping children in grief

Learn how to talk to children after loss with these tips from pediatric psychologists and child life specialists.

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