Children's Hospital Colorado

Single Ventricle Surgery

We are one of the largest programs in the country treating patients with heart problems from before birth through adulthood, with exceptional outcomes.

Best Children's Hospital by U.S. News & World Report Cardiology 2021-2 Badge

Why will my child need surgery for single ventricle heart disease?

Normally, a heart is divided into two sides: a right half that pumps blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen and a left half that pumps that oxygen-rich blood to the body. These pumping chambers on each side are called ventricles.

A child with single ventricle heart disease is born with a heart that has only one ventricle that is large or strong enough to pump effectively. Therefore, a series of surgeries – including the Norwood, Glenn and Fontan procedures are needed to reroute the blood.

Graphic showing anatomy of a normal heart compared to the anatomy of an HLHS heart 

Three stages of single ventricle surgery

Why choose the Single Ventricle Care Program at Children's Hospital Colorado?

At the Heart Institute, we're committed to helping you and your family maintain a high quality of life. Our Wellness Program can support and guide your family in dealing with the difficulties of chronic illness during childhood, adolescence and young adulthood.

Kara holds her son Jaxon, who is being treated for HLHS at Children's Hospital Colorado.

The Connection Journey: Giving Hope a Heartbeat

One family comforts another through hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). Watch our experienced family help answer questions for parents new to heart disease.

See their journeys