Children's Hospital Colorado

Nephrology Resources for Healthcare Professionals

At Children’s Hospital Colorado, we treat the big things, the small things and everything in between.

Best Children's Hospital by U.S. News & World Report Nephrology 2021-2 Badge


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At Children's Hospital Colorado, we're committed to improving the quality of life for children with nephrology diseases. Get the latest in pediatric nephrology information to better your practice and learn about innovation in our kidney programs.

New patient supporting documents

These new patient documents provide useful information to assist referring physicians in the evaluation and management of pediatric patients. Use these to determine that information Children's Colorado needs in advance of new patient appointments.

Nephrology referrals

Provider uses stethoscope on patient
A closeup of a provider's hands while using an iPad

It all starts with a Q:

For the latest cutting-edge research and innovative collaborations in pediatric nephrology, read more in Q: Advances and Answers in Pediatric Health.

Discover more in Q:

Professional resources

Charting Pediatrics is a weekly podcast for pediatric healthcare providers. In this series, specialists from Children's Hospital Colorado examine the latest treatments for the most common complaints in pediatric medicine. Listen and subscribe on Spotify, iTunes and Google Play.

Henoch-Schönlein Purpura: Diagnosis and Management

In this episode, we discuss the diagnosis, treatment and long-term management of Henoch-Schönlein purpura, or HSP, with Jens Goebel, MD, and Robert Fuhlbrigge, MD.

Nocturnal Enuresis and Bedwetting

In this episode, we discuss the management of and treatments for nocturnal enuresis, nighttime bedwetting, with Marguerite Korber, NP, who runs many of the enuresis clinics at Children's Colorado.

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