Children's Hospital Colorado

Specialty Rehabilitation Clinics

At Children’s Hospital Colorado, we treat the big things, the small things and everything in between.

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The following clinics provide specialized programs for rehabilitation patients at Children’s Hospital Colorado. Each clinic is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of providers.

Amputee Clinic

The Amputee Clinic provides evaluation and ongoing medical management for children with amputations from birth to age 21. Recommendations are made for prosthetic fitting and training through physical and/or occupational therapy. In general, this clinic is staffed by an orthopedic surgeon, pediatric physiatrist (rehabilitation doctor), physical therapist, social worker, occupational therapist, and a certified prosthetist (fits and services artificial limbs).

Cerebral Palsy (CP) Clinic

The Cerebral Palsy Clinic provides patients with cerebral palsy, ages birth to 21 years, with ongoing management and evaluation of concerns related to comfort, seating tone management, and activities of daily living. We also make recommendations for surgery and medical management. This clinic is staffed by orthopedic surgeons, physiatrists and nurses.

Hand Clinic

The Hand Clinic, held with the Department of Orthopedics, provides team-based evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of children with decreased hand function from trauma, congenital deficiencies, or complications of neuromuscular disease. The clinic is staffed by hand surgeons and occupational therapists who are certified hand therapists, with consultation from pediatric physiatrists. Learn more about common hand conditions we treat.

M.O.R.E. Clinic (Multidisciplinary Outpatient Rehabilitation Evaluation)

The M.O.R.E. Clinic provides an extensive team-based cognitive and physical evaluation for kids with complex learning, psychosocial, feeding, mobility, or daily living problems. Although many of our children have had a traumatic brain injury or have unusual neurological syndromes, many are undiagnosed children with complex learning problems. This clinic is staffed according to the specific needs of the patient, but it typically includes a:

  • Psychologist
  • Social worker
  • Speech–language pathologist
  • Learning specialist
  • Occupational therapist
  • Physical therapist

Neuromuscular Clinic

The Neuromuscular Clinic provides evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with neuromuscular diseases. It also provides children and families with genetic counseling and support services. This clinic is staffed from specialists from:

  • Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
  • Neurology
  • Orthopedics
  • Social work
  • Genetics
  • Pulmonary
  • Physical therapy
  • Nursing

Non-Accidental Brain Injury Clinic

The Non-Accidental Brain Injury Care Clinic is a multidisciplinary clinic providing consultation and family-centered care. Board-certified experts provide services for infants and young children diagnosed with non-accidental brain injury. Our goals are to help families understand the outcome and care needed for a child diagnosed with non-accidental brain injury, to offer emotional support, and to help caregivers advocate on behalf of their child.

The clinic offers coordination with the following services:

  • Case management
  • Child Protection Team
  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Occupational therapy
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Physical therapy
  • Rehabilitation psychology
  • Rehabilitation medicine
  • Social work support
  • Speech language pathology

Download more information about the Non-Accidental Brain Injury Clinic (.pdf).

Seating and Mobility Clinic

Specialists at our Seating and Mobility Clinic evaluate patients’ mobility needs and make recommendations for special seating and mobility devices (wheelchairs) to help achieve optimal function. The clinic is geared for patients with neuromuscular, developmental or orthopedic disabilities and is staffed by a:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Physical therapist
  • Certified orthotist
  • Qualified equipment vendors

Spinal Defects Clinic

The Spinal Defects Clinic provides children with myelomeningocele and spinal cord injury with ongoing management and rehabilitation to facilitate growth and enhance functional independence. This clinic is generally staffed by specialists from the following departments:

  • Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
  • Nursing
  • Orthopedics
  • Urology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Social work
  • Pediatric psychology
  • Genetics
  • Physical therapy
  • Nutrition