Children's Hospital Colorado

Online scheduling now available

New patients and families can now schedule appointments for this department online. Existing patients can schedule their follow-up visits through MyChart.
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Pediatric Urology Resources for Healthcare Professionals

At Children’s Hospital Colorado, we treat the big things, the small things and everything in between.

Best Children's Hospital by U.S. News & World Report Urology 2021-2 Badge


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At Children's Hospital Colorado, we're committed to helping all healthcare professionals improve the quality of life for children with urologic conditions. Get the latest in pediatric urology information to better your practice and learn about innovation within our various programs.

Referral guidelines

Use this document to help determine the best approach to the treatment of your patients, or when to refer to a specialist.

Urology referral guidelines

Dr. Wilcox of the Urology department at Children's Hospital Colorado.

It all starts with a Q:

For the latest cutting-edge research and innovative collaborations in pediatric urology, read more in Q: Advances and Answers in Pediatric Health.

Discover more in Q:

Professional resources

Charting Pediatrics is a weekly podcast for pediatric healthcare providers. In this series, specialists from Children's Hospital Colorado examine the latest treatments for the most common complaints in pediatric medicine. Listen and subscribe on Spotify, iTunes and Google Play.

Urologic Cancer in Children and Adolescents

In this episode, we talk with Nicholas Cost, MD, about the diagnosis and management of pediatric urologic cancer in children and adolescents, including initial presentations and ongoing and follow-up management for primary care providers.

Nocturnal Enuresis and Bedwetting

In this episode, we discuss the management of and treatments for nocturnal enuresis, nighttime bedwetting, with pediatric urology nurse practitioner, Marguerite Korber, NP, who runs many of the enuresis clinics at Children's Colorado.

Acute Scrotum Pain Management

In this episode, Duncan Wilcox, MD, talks about acute scrotum management, including the most common indications of acute scrotum and how to differentiate an incarcerated hernia and a hydroceles scrotal trauma.

Watch our pediatric urology medical education video series for protocols and research from our experts to help improve the care of your patients.

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery

Postoperative care pathways for recovery in children undergoing urologic reconstruction surgery have been shown to reduce length of hospital stay and decrease complication rates. Our researchers lead a study to explore the factors associated with a shorter postoperative stay.

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