Children's Hospital Colorado

Weight Management Specialty Clinic

At Children’s Hospital Colorado, we treat the big things, the small things and everything in between.

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What is the Weight Management Specialty Clinic?

The Weight Management Specialty Clinic provides evaluation and treatment of children and adolescents whose weight is associated with insulin resistance-related disorders, which may include:

  • Type 2 diabetes 
  • High blood pressure (hypertension) 
  • High cholesterol (Obesity-related high cholesterol or familial high cholesterol is treated in the Lipid Clinic. For more information, contact Cardiology at 720-777-6820)
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Obesity-related sleep apnea
  • Impaired glucose tolerance/impaired fasting glucose

This clinic is primarily for children age 10 and up who are already involved in the Weight Management Program and have been pre-identified as needing a specialty care provider for obesity-related health problems. Children can be identified as having a health problem specifically related to their obesity during their first visit-medical examination. Personalized weight management programs, including lifestyle management for obesity, will be determined in the second visit, after a child’s medical evaluation.

If you are concerned about a child having diabetes or another health problem listed above, our Weight Management team can review the labs for you to determine if your child/patient needs to be seen more urgently. 

Why choose the Children’s Hospital Colorado for treatment of weight-related health conditions in kids?

Evaluation, identification and treatment of weight-related conditions are new in pediatrics. Until recently, conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol were considered adult problems. The specialists at Children’s Colorado are on the cutting edge of discovery and treatment of these conditions - locally, nationally and internationally. Our treatment plans for pediatric weight-related health conditions are tailored to each child and family. Pediatric weight-related health conditions may be treated with medication, if necessary, in addition to a comprehensive lifestyle program.

What to expect from the Weight Management Specialty Clinic

If your child attends this clinic, he or she will be seen by a pediatric endocrinologist or cardiologist, who will discuss your child’s labs and weight-related conditions. If medications are needed, the pediatric endocrinologist or cardiologist will suggest and manage treatment. A specialty psychologist will also see your child and will help contribute to your family’s weight management plan. If your child has Type 2 diabetes, he or she may also see a diabetes educator. Typically, a clinic visit can take at least one hour and possibly up to two hours.