Children's Hospital Colorado
Julia Xia, MD
Julia Xia, MD

Julia Xia, MD

Provider's Specialties

  • Ophthalmology

Provider's location(s)

Location information is not available.

Patient ratings

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CHC - Ophthalmology

Insurance plans accepted

We participate with most major health insurance plans and national transplant networks.

Prepare for your visit

We want to make sure you know what to expect before you arrive.

Get to know Julia Xia, MD

Experience and background

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Meet other experts

John Gorham, MD

John Gorham, MD


Mark Feldman, MD

Mark Feldman, MD


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Michelle Jackson, NNP-BC

Michelle Jackson, NNP-BC


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Becky Hill, CPNP-AC/PC

Becky Hill, CPNP-AC/PC

Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

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Rebecca Ohman-Hanson, MD

Rebecca Ohman-Hanson, MD

Endocrinology - Pediatric

Michael Rashad Booker, MD

Michael Rashad Booker, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

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Jocelyn Mulkey, MD

Jocelyn Mulkey, MD

Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology

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Thomas Notides, MD

Thomas Notides, MD

Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology

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