Children's Hospital Colorado
Priya Misra, MD
Priya Misra, MD

Priya Misra, MD

Provider's Specialties

  • Cardiology - Pediatric
  • Pediatrics

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The Heart Institute

Insurance plans accepted

We participate with most major health insurance plans and national transplant networks.

Prepare for your visit

We want to make sure you know what to expect before you arrive.

My care philosophy

At its core, my care philosophy is treat every patient and family with respect, empathy and compassion. As a close family member of a patient with congenital heart disease, I try to understand everything my patient is experiencing and channel this into my bedside care. As such, I strive to encourage and empower my patients and their families to advocate for their care, ask questions and learn about their heart disease, and feel confident in the care they are receiving. I have also experienced and understand the struggle of driving hours to see a specialist. As such, I am passionate about outreach medicine and try to bring high-level medical care closer to patients' homes. As a general pediatrician by training, I am also passionate about community-based medicine and try my best to make connections with local pediatricians and be a resource for them.

Get to know Priya Misra, MD

Departments and Programs

Languages spoken

  • English
  • Hindi

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Robert Bishop, MD

Robert Bishop, MD

Cardiology - Pediatric, Critical Care - Pediatric, Pediatrics

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Kacee Logsdon, CPNP-AC

Kacee Logsdon, CPNP-AC

Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

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Aimee Curtis, CPNP-AC

Aimee Curtis, CPNP-AC

Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

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Mark Farina, PA-C

Mark Farina, PA-C

Physician Assistant

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Cindy Barrett, MD

Cindy Barrett, MD

Critical Care - Pediatric, Pediatrics

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Elizabeth Chernuta, CPNP-AC

Elizabeth Chernuta, CPNP-AC

Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

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Marisa Harris, PA-C

Marisa Harris, PA-C

Physician Assistant

Kathryn Collins, MD

Kathryn Collins, MD

Cardiology - Pediatric