Children's Hospital Colorado
Yamin Ma, MD
Yamin Ma, MD

Yamin Ma, MD

Provider's Specialties

  • Clinical Pathology
  • Molecular Genetic Pathology
  • Pathology - Pediatric

Provider's location(s)

Location information is not available.

Patient ratings

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CHC - Pathology

Insurance plans accepted

We participate with most major health insurance plans and national transplant networks.

Prepare for your visit

We want to make sure you know what to expect before you arrive.

Get to know Yamin Ma, MD

Experience and background

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Meet other experts

Margaret Siobhan Murphy-Zane, MD

Margaret Siobhan Murphy-Zane, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery

Jennifer Hranilovich, MD

Jennifer Hranilovich, MD

Neurology - Pediatric

Sunit Gill, MD

Sunit Gill, MD


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Melissa Lindsey, CPNP-PC

Melissa Lindsey, CPNP-PC

Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Steve Abman, MD

Steve Abman, MD

Pulmonology - Pediatric, Pediatrics

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Kyle Smith, MD

Kyle Smith, MD


Patient ratings and reviews are not available Why?

Stephanie Hitti, PhD

Stephanie Hitti, PhD


Patient ratings and reviews are not available Why?

Cameron Gunville, DO

Cameron Gunville, DO

Critical Care - Pediatric, Pediatrics

Patient ratings and reviews are not available Why?