Children's Hospital Colorado
Casey Smith, MD
Casey Smith, MD

Casey Smith, MD

Provider's Specialties

  • Ophthalmology

Provider's location(s)

Location information is not available.

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Pediatric Ophthalmology Department

Insurance plans accepted

We participate with most major health insurance plans and national transplant networks.

Prepare for your visit

We want to make sure you know what to expect before you arrive.

My care philosophy

One of the things I love about being a pediatric ophthalmologist is the opportunity to set up a child for a happy, healthy, and successful future. I strive to provide the best possible care for my patients by creating a collaborative, safe, and friendly environment. No two children are the same, and I work to create a tailored multifaceted plan to best suit each patient and their needs. When I'm not at work you can find me training for a race or hanging out with my husband and our three-legged dog, Butter. I also enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles and learning calligraphy.

Get to know Casey Smith, MD

Departments and Programs

Conditions Treated

  • Cataracts
  • Cataract Extraction
  • Corneal Disease
  • Pediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus

Experience and background

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Patient ratings and reviews

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Meet other experts

Alan Palestine, MD

Alan Palestine, MD


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Prem Subramanian, MD

Prem Subramanian, MD


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Robert Enzenauer, MD

Robert Enzenauer, MD


Lauren Mehner, MD

Lauren Mehner, MD


Casey Smith, MD

Casey Smith, MD


Scott Arnold, OD

Scott Arnold, OD


Michael Puente, MD

Michael Puente, MD


Melissa Engle, OD

Melissa Engle, OD
