Children's Hospital Colorado

Healthcare for Children: Protecting and Expanding Access to Care

Protecting health coverage and access for all children

At Children’s Hospital Colorado, advocating for public policies that improve child health is a key part of our mission. We believe that no child should lose health insurance because of changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Medicaid. All eligible kids should have health insurance coverage, whether through private insurance, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), TRICARE or other programs.

Why health insurance coverage for children matters

Health insurance coverage is vital because it enables children to access the healthcare services they need to grow up healthy and strong, particularly in their prenatal and early formative years of life. That’s why our Government Affairs team works to ensure health insurance coverage for as many kids as possible.

The state of child health

The United States and Colorado have made progress on child health through investments in programs like Medicaid and CHIP. Compared to children who are uninsured, children enrolled in the Medicaid and CHIP programs have shown better health and educational outcomes – and improved circumstances for their families, too. But we need to do better. Mental health coverage and benefits, for example, are particularly lacking.

Children’s Colorado’s Government Affairs team advocates for improvements to the policies and government programs that benefit children and families and ensure that all kids have the chance to grow up healthy and strong. One key program is Medicaid.

Medicaid for children

Medicaid supports children and families by providing healthcare coverage that meets their needs and allows them to receive necessary care. Strengthening support for children in their early years improves the future lives of all children in the program. Learn more about Medicaid and how it helps kids below.

Frequently asked questions about Medicaid

A bright blue graphic with a circle of the Colorado flag with the words: I speak up for kids!

Help protect children’s access to healthcare

Our advocacy network of Child Health Champions makes it quick and simple to write emails, make phone calls and speak up for kids’ needs — including healthcare coverage — so lawmakers know that their constituents value child health.

Register as a Child Health Champ

Visit the action center

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