Children's Hospital Colorado

Baby Resources for Every Parent

A go-to guide for your bundle of joy

When you have questions about your baby’s health — big or small — we have answers.

Talk to a nurse

Baby questions? We have answers — 24/7.

Resources for parents of premature babies

Some babies need a little extra care. If your baby was born prematurely or has a medical condition, you likely have questions other parents haven't considered. Fortunately, we have answers.

Our neonatal experts are ready to care for your baby and offer advice on topics like breastfeeding in the NICU, car seats for premature babies and much more.

Car seats for premature babies

Picking the right car seat is hard for all parents. It can be even tougher for parents of premature babies because they’re often too small for many car seats or have breathing issues that car seats complicate.

Get expert advice on car seats

Father securing child in car

Safe sleep for babies with medical conditions

Learn about the extra sleep precautions parents need to take if their baby was born prematurely or has an ongoing condition that requires medical equipment.

Developmental milestones for babies in the NICU

How are development milestones different for babies born early or who have a longer stay in the NICU? Our experts provide some general guidance on what to expect from your NICU baby, when.

Breastfeeding in the NICU and when you go home

Infants with medical conditions may have trouble breastfeeding or bottle feeding because they don’t yet have the skills, or their condition prevents it. Our experts share what you need to know about feeding your baby while they're in the NICU.

Baby first-aid kit

Read this checklist so you feel prepared to care for your baby at home.

The highest level of baby care

If your baby has a serious medical issue, there is no more experienced or advanced care option in the Rocky Mountain region than our Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU).

Learn about our NICUs

A close-up of a baby lying on a green blanket

Keeping your baby healthy

We want to keep your baby at home and happy as much as possible. Learn about the steps to take to keep your baby well, what to look out for and special considerations for babies with medical conditions.

Download our app

Our ChildrensMD app lets you check symptoms, get advice and determine if your baby needs care — and where to find it.

Get expert help anytime

A woman with long brown hair uses a stethoscope to listen to an older baby's heart.

Symptom tracker

Get information on symptoms your baby has, when you should seek care and when you can care for them at home.

Is your baby sick?


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