Children's Hospital Colorado
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Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)

Nicole, treated for TTTS at Children's Colorado, sits with her school-age twin girls.

Beating the TTTS odds, together

Our fetal experts can tell parents a lot about their babies' condition and treatment to come. One thing they can't often tell them: how they will feel.

That's why we connected a family whose babies have TTTS with a family who's been there – to answer questions, to shed light and to offer hope. From diagnosis to surgery, recovery and beyond, these conversations heal. Watch them on the following pages.

Meet the families

Our new family

Alyssa was recently diagnosed and treated for TTTS. She's on bedrest for the remainder of her pregnancy, and she and her husband Mark are anxious to know what lies ahead.

Our experienced family

At 22 weeks, Nicole was diagnosed with TTTS. The next day, she underwent laser surgery to save her babies. Today, she's the mom of two healthy twin girls.

The TTTS journey

TTTS diagnosis and decision

It's never easy to learn your babies have a serious condition, especially before they're even born. Two families share how they coped with their twins' TTTS diagnosis and came to the decision to undergo fetal surgery.

TTTS diagnosis and decision

TTTS surgery and recovery

For many moms carrying babies with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, fetoscopic laser photocoagulation is their best option. Our families share tips for going though recovery and getting to the 32-week mark.

TTTS surgery and recovery

Life after TTTS: delivery and beyond

After your babies arrive, the journey has only just begun. Our experienced family talks about what life is like after fetal surgery and twin transfusion syndrome. Plus, they share what it's like to raise twins.

Delivery and beyond

Nicole, treated for TTTS at Children's Colorado, sits with her school-age twin girls.
"After everything that we went through, it was completely worth having twins."
Nicole, Mila and Ciela's mom

Would you like a second opinion?

If you have received a prenatal diagnosis, are considering treatment options or just want to feel more confident about your treatment plan, our fetal care experts are here to help.

Request a second opinion from our Colorado Fetal Care Center

Additional fetal care resources

Partnership with the University of Colorado School of Medicine

Children's Hospital Colorado partners with the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where many of our physicians and care providers serve as faculty.