Children's Hospital Colorado

Life After TTTS: Delivery and Beyond

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Closing the book on TTTS

After everything a fetal condition like twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) puts families through – the anxiety, the waiting, the tests and procedures – it only makes sense that they want to bring their babies home. See how we care for children with TTTS before and after birth from a family who's been through it.

Our families discuss living with TTTS

Our experienced family shares how they overcame the final hurdles in their TTTS journey: delivery and a hospital stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Living life post-TTTS, they have plenty of advice to help our new family as they wait until their twins are mature enough for delivery.

Resources for living with TTTS

Fetal Care Center FAQs

Find answers to your questions on fetal medicine, recovery times, what to expect with fetal interventions and what happens next.

Answer your questions

The NICU at Children's Colorado

Premature TTTS twins will usually have to stay in the NICU so they can grow. Not only is our level four NICU ranked one of the best in the nation, but it's also specially designed for the specific needs of high-risk newborns and their families.

Caring for TTTS twins from diapers through diplomas

Just like you, we're here to care for your twins for as long as they need us. Far after your follow-up appointment, our fetal experts offer support and expertise.

Sometimes, this means ensuring you can continue your pregnancy and deliver your babies with your primary OB-GYN or MFM. And other times, it's delivering your twins in our specially designed Labor and Delivery Unit, with any pediatric subspecialist who may be necessary for their care immediately after delivery.

But infants' needs don't end at delivery. Should your babies need additional care after birth, we'll make the transition as seamless as possible to our Level IV NICU or CICU, specialty care and then home.

A pregnant woman holds her belly

We provide comprehensive, world-class testing, diagnosis, treatment and care for unborn babies and moms-to-be.

  • Maternal fetal medicine

    Specialized treatment and delivery for mothers and babies of high-risk pregnancies

  • Fetal care

    The most innovative fetal therapies available to treat virtually any fetal condition

  • Fetal cardiology

    Advanced training and diagnostic resources to detect heart defects as early as 14 weeks' gestation

A new mom holds her baby

We make the transition to our Level IV NICU or CICU as seamless as possible, and support families every step of the way.

  • Level IV NICU

    Specially designed for the complex needs of high-risk newborns and their families, our top-ranked NICU is just steps away from delivery and recovery rooms

  • CICU

    The only pediatric CICU in the region providing specialized cardiac care for acutely ill heart patients and those recovering from heart surgery

A mom holds up her baby

With a focus on each child's long-term quality of life, our care model integrates us fully with some of the best care available – and it's right here at Children's Colorado.

  • Pediatric care

    As babies grow, any ongoing treatment and care is transitioned to top-ranked programs and specialists

  • Subspecialty expertise

    World-class subspecialty expertise across over 60 pediatric specialties readily available and accessible

Ari talks about his experience.
"There's nothing like watching twins grow up."
Ari, Mila and Ciela's dad

Additional fetal care resources

Partnership with the University of Colorado School of Medicine

Children's Hospital Colorado partners with the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where many of our physicians and care providers serve as faculty.