Children's Hospital Colorado

Second Opinions for Breathing Conditions

Our experts treat respiratory and sleep disorders from the common to the complex, helping children and families breathe easier.

Best Children's Hospital by U.S. News & World Report Pulmonology 2021-2 Badge


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Schedule an appointment

Whether your child has a common or complex breathing condition, early, excellent care will help them go faster and further. The nationally recognized team at Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Breathing Institute provides exceptional care for your child. Our specialists are experts in breathing, lung, and sleep disorders, and patients come to us from all over the country for second opinions.

How to get a second opinion for your child

Getting an in-person second opinion from our experts is easy:

  • Your first appointment will be a phone call with a member of our Breathing Institute administration team.
  • First, schedule an initial informational phone call below.
  • At the time you select, a member of our administration team will call you and collect your child’s health information.
  • After this call, our team will choose the best provider to see your child and schedule your in-person appointment.

Request an in-person second opinion

Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine

Schedule your initial informational call:

Schedule your initial call by phone

Why request a second opinion from our Breathing Institute?

Our pediatric breathing experts provide complete care and advice for any breathing condition affecting kids. U.S. News & World Report ranks us as the No. 6 children’s breathing program in the country and the No.1 children’s hospital in the region based on our impressive outcomes, expertise and vast experience.

Because medical knowledge and care advance every day, it’s especially helpful to seek advice from more than one doctor before going forward with treatment. This is particularly true for rare or complex breathing conditions – or when treatment could be life-changing.

We believe that a multidisciplinary approach to breathing treatment is the best way to provide care and improve quality of life for kids. It all starts with you feeling confident about your child’s care plan.

What specialties or programs offer a second opinion?

Your child’s diagnosis or symptoms help us determine which specialists they see. We offer in-person second opinions for many breathing conditions, including:

If you have questions about second opinions for specific conditions, call us at 720-777-6181.

What should I prepare before my initial informational call?

More information helps our experts guide you to the best specialist for your child and makes the process smoother. Please be prepared to provide the following information to our care team on your initial informational call:

Child and contact information

  • Your child’s name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Name of parent/guardian
  • Your child’s primary care doctor or pediatrician’s contact information including name, phone number, address and email, if known
  • Insurance information (name, group, member ID)
  • Phone number and alternate emergency phone number
  • Email address

Clinical Information

  • A summary or description of your child’s disease, diagnosis and symptoms
  • Your child’s specialty provider name and contact information, if applicable
  • A complete list of locations where your child has previously received or is currently receiving care related to this concern
  • Your goals for a second opinion

We’ll also discuss what information and records we will need prior to your child’s appointment. Our team is available to guide you throughout the process.

Meet our breathing specialists who provide second opinions

Our pulmonary experts are the most experienced in the region in caring for a wide range of breathing conditions including interstitial lung disease, sleep conditions, primary ciliary dyskinesia, pulmonary hypertension and many others. After your initial informational call, our team will decide which provider you should see for your in-person second opinion appointment.

Get to know our pediatric experts.

Christopher Baker, MD

Christopher Baker, MD

Pulmonology - Pediatric


Mark Brown, MD

Mark Brown, MD

Pulmonology - Pediatric, Pediatrics

Emily DeBoer, MD

Emily DeBoer, MD

Pulmonology - Pediatric, Pediatrics


Robin Deterding, MD

Robin Deterding, MD

Pulmonology - Pediatric

Where will my child be seen for their in-person appointment?

We provide second opinions at the Breathing Institute on Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora.

If you have any more questions about second opinions, please call us at 720-777-6181.

Get answers to questions about second opinions at Children’s Colorado