Children's Hospital Colorado

Conditions and Treatments at the Burn Center

We collaborate with every specialty in the hospital to advance new surgical techniques, teach tomorrow’s surgeons and give our patients a brighter today.

U.S. News & World Report honor roll badge

Our team of specialized providers are skilled at treating burn injuries, regardless of the type of burn or cause of injury. We also treat other disorders affecting the skin.

Conditions we treat

  • Burns of all depths
  • Frostbite
  • Exfoliative disorders
  • Chronic wounds
  • Road rash abrasions

Burn depth: A matter of degrees

Burns are classified by the amount of damage done to the skin and other body tissue:

  • First-degree burns result in reddened skin and do not usually require medical attention and heal quickly. A mild sunburn is an example of this kind of burn.
  • Second-degree burns are serious injuries that require medical attention. Signs of second-degree burns include blistered, peeling skin, and red tissue.
  • Third-degree burns are severe and require immediate, professional medical attention. You will likely notice dry/charred, white or yellow coloration. Although the severely burned area may not be blistered, it often is surrounded by blistered areas.

Burn treatment at the Burn Center

Our multidisciplinary burn team is dedicated to the treatment and care of burn patients and their families through all of phases of burn care. Our treatment and services include:

Emergency Department

  • Pediatric-trained care team


  • Pediatric ICU
  • Inpatient Unit
  • Dedicated burn tub room

Operating Room

  • Full thickness skin grafting
  • Split thickness skin grafting
  • Synthetic skin substitutions
  • Debridement
  • Dressing changes


