Children's Hospital Colorado

Your Visit to the Heart Institute

We are one of the largest programs in the country treating patients with heart problems from before birth through adulthood, with exceptional outcomes.

Best Children's Hospital by U.S. News & World Report Cardiology 2021-2 Badge
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Schedule an appointment

When you find out your child has a heart problem, there are a lot of fears and a lot of questions. You may feel overwhelmed at times – or even all the time. We understand what you are going through and will do everything we can to help.

Whether you're coming to the Heart Institute for a clinic appointment or a longer hospital stay, we've found that knowing where you're going and what to expect before you get here can be extremely helpful.

In this section, you will find practical information to make your visit easier before, during and after your child's treatment.

Heart Institute facilities

The Heart Institute at Children's Hospital Colorado offers state-of-the-art facilities for testing, diagnosing and treating little hearts. Learn about the cardiac facilities located on the third floor of our East Tower on the Anschutz Medical Campus.

A Welcome Program for kids and their families

If your child is scheduled for heart surgery and you live more than 50 miles away, our welcome coordinator will reach out to see how we can make your visit easier. Read about our unique Welcome Program.

What to expect

Are our clinics not so close to home? Learn about our Welcome Program and how Children's Hospital Colorado supports the families that have to travel to provide the best care for their children.

See why our outcomes make us one of the top heart hospitals