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Preventing Summer Weight Gain in Kids

26/5/2017 3

A boy and girl sit on a couch watching TV.

When school lets out, all bets are off. It’s a carefree time of year made for letting loose — sometimes too loose.

“Irregular sleep, meals and activity schedules, plus more screen time, can all combine to create the perfect environment for kids to gain excessive weight,” says Jessica Hemingway, MS, RD, a registered dietitian with Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Lifestyle Medicine Program. “We see it every year.”

Childhood obesity

About one in every four kids in Colorado is classified as overweight or obese. While summer weight gain can happen to any kid, those who already have overweight or obesity are more susceptible to it and at higher risk of health problems resulting from it. Fortunately, says Jessica, there are lots of ways to keep kids active and healthy.

Tips for preventing summer weight gain in children

1. Keep meal and snack times consistent

When consistent meal schedules go out the window, kids tend to “graze” all day — often on junk food — taking in significantly more calories than they would from meals. As much as possible, set meal and snack times and permit kids to eat only during those times.

It may be helpful to set up visible cues for younger kids or kids with intellectual or developmental disabilities like turning the lights on in the kitchen when it’s time to eat and keeping it off when the kitchen is off limits. Another idea is put up a green sign for snack and mealtimes and a red sign for time when the kitchen is closed. For older kids, explain that there are rules for mealtimes, and they need to follow them. Praise them when they follow the rules.

2. Keep healthy foods on hand

Kids often hit the junk food when parents are unable to closely supervise. So, plan ahead. Instead of keeping chips, cookies, sugary drinks and other high-calorie, low-nutrition foods in the house, stock healthy alternatives like low-sugar yogurt, low-fat cheese, hummus, fruits and vegetables.

Plan meals and snacks for the week ahead of time. This will help you stick to the planned foods when you go grocery shopping.

3. Limit screen time

When kids are sitting in front of a screen, they aren’t active, so try to limit their passive screen time. Eating while watching screens also tends to increase the amount of food they eat – especially unhealthy foods. When focusing on the screen and not the food, kids don’t pay attention to what or how much they’re eating.

Many devices come with parental controls to block or limit kids’ access, and if parents can’t be there to supervise, they can always disable or take the devices with them. Want to explore what screen time limits might work for your family? The American Academy of Pediatrics offers a helpful family media plan tool.

4. Offer creative, regular physical activity

Set expectations for how much physical activity you want your child to get each day and give them ideas on what types of activities count. These activities can include chores, taking a walk or playing a vigorous sport like soccer with family in the backyard or a park. Exercising early in the day can help burn a few more calories during the day and help kids stay focused later on. Getting outside is one of the best predictors for being active.

Chores like sweeping, vacuuming, laundry, dishes, changing sheets and general cleaning offer kids a great way not only to learn how to contribute to the family, but to burn energy while they’re at it.

5. Make sure they get enough sleep

Kids tend to go to bed later during the summer. That can lead to less sleep, and when they don’t get enough, it can affect their hormone balance, energy level, mood and even their appetite. Set bedtimes and wake times close to what they are during the school year — and stick to them.

6. Model healthy habits for your kids

It helps for you to maintain a sleep and meal schedule, eat healthful foods, do physical activities with your kids, avoid screens while eating and model other healthy habits you want your kids to have. Your kids are more likely to adopt healthy habits if they see you doing it too. Modeling healthy habits may be the most effective way to mold the behavior of young kids.