Children's Hospital Colorado

Diagnostic Time Out Algorithm

The Diagnostic Time Out Algorithm is designed for use as a stand-alone clinical reasoning support tool and as an adjunct to other clinical care pathways when diagnostic uncertainty arises for any reason. Any team member can use the pathway to raise the possibility that a patient may be experiencing a missed opportunity for diagnostic excellence.

Clinical Pathways

About our Diagnostic Time Out Algorithm

Informed by the Children’s Hospital Patient Safety Organization Diagnostic Safety Tool Kit, the Children’s Hospital Colorado Diagnostic Safety Program designed the Diagnostic Time Out Algorithm to place several resources to support diagnostic excellence at the fingertips of clinicians. The Algorithm incorporates input from numerous members of the diagnostic team as defined by the National Academy of Medicine’s report Improving Diagnosis in Healthcare (i.e., patients, providers, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare team members). The Algorithm aims to reduce the risk of missed diagnostic opportunities for all patients.

The Algorithm provides these resources to augment diagnostic reasoning in any situation involving diagnostic uncertainty:

  • A framework to promote diagnostic safety aligned with TargetZero
  • A few simple questions prompting the pausing to reconsider the working diagnosis
  • A template guiding the team to seek information to provide clarity to the working diagnosis
  • A link to a clinical decision support tool that provides additional diagnostic considerations based on available clinical data
  • Educational content describing common cognitive pitfalls affecting diagnostic reasoning