Children's Hospital Colorado

Kawasaki Disease or MIS-C: What We Are Learning About COVID-19 Presentation in Pediatrics (S3:E61)

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, we are learning more about how SARS-CoV2 impacts the pediatric population. This includes the severe Kawasaki-like disease, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children associated with COVID-19, or MIS-C.

Listen to pediatric experts discuss the differences between Kawasaki disease and MIS-C

In this episode, we will cover the clinical presentation of MIS-C, how it differs from Kawasaki disease and what the early literature is saying about MIS-C. We are fortunate to be joined by two giants in the field of pediatric infectious diseases: Mary (Mimi) Glodé, MD, and Jim Todd, MD.

Dr. Glodé is the former Section Head of Infectious Diseases at Children’s Hospital Colorado and is Professor Emerita of Pediatric Infectious Disease at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Dr. Glodé is internationally recognized as an expert on Kawasaki disease and immunizations and pioneered the use of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) for the treatment for Kawasaki disease.

Dr. Todd is the former Jules Amer Chair in Community Pediatrics and Section Head of Epidemiology at Children’s Colorado and Clinical Professor Emeritus in Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and is known for his discovery of toxic shock syndrome.

In this episode, our experts discuss:

  • How these doctors started exploring Kawasaki disease and collaborating on finding a treatment
  • How their collaboration on IVIG started
  • The prevalence of coronary artery disease in kids with Kawasaki disease prior to the discovery of IVIG
  • Where MIS-C comes from and why we’re talking about it
  • Distinguishing characteristics between Kawasaki disease and MIS-C
  • Therapies being used for MIS-C and how children are responding
  • MIS-C as an autoreactive disease: an infection triggers a host-immune response that gets out of control and attacks multiple organs with an inflammatory response that adversely affects organs
  • Whether MIS-C helps to provide clues about the etiology of Kawasaki
  • The predicted percentage of kids who are going to get MIS-C
  • Clinical course for kids who are admitted with MIS-C and possibility of recurrence

Treatment of infectious diseases at Children’s Colorado

Our pediatric experts in the Infectious Disease Program at Children's Colorado provide a breadth of expertise ranging from laboratory-based research to the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. Pediatricians can treat many infectious diseases, but when unique or different symptoms are present, it’s important to refer to a pediatric specialist. We are prepared and ready to treat patients with suspected or confirmed 2019 novel coronavirus. Our clinical staff has been specially trained on how to identify, isolate and treat patients with this and other contagious illnesses.

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